Conflict of Interest (Third Party Research)

Disclosure of Material Conflict of Interest Regarding the Dissemination of Third-Party Research​

Pursuant to applicable regulations and in compliance with Rule 2241(h)(4), Blaylock Van, LLC hereby discloses that it provides Third-Party Research Reports supplied by Seaport Global Securities LLC.

It is important to note that a material conflict of interest exists between Blaylock Van, LLC, and Seaport Global Securities LLC. This conflict arises from the preexisting partnership between the two entities, which may incentivize the exchange of information. Consequently, the interests of Blaylock Van, LLC and Seaport Global Securities LLC may not always align with the interests of the recipients of the Third-Party Research Reports.

To address this conflict, the Firms have put controls, policies, and procedures in place to identify, prevent, and manage conflicts of interest between the two entities.The Firms have separately and apart established internal controls (including physical, technological, and electronic information barriers) to regulate and restrict the flow of confidential information between different legal entities and also within the different business areas within the same legal entity.Recipients are advised to consider this disclosure when evaluating the objectivity and reliability of the Third-Party Research Reports provided by Blaylock Van, LLC.This statement serves to ensure transparency regarding the relationships that may influence the choice to distribute research from Seaport.For further inquiries or additional information regarding this disclosure, please contact our compliance department.