The Positive Financial Externalities of Diversity

By now, you probably understand that introducing diversity into the corporate work sphere is the right thing to do by most people’s ethical and moral standards. However, businesses across the country that have embraced these initiatives have seen improvements in their financials as well. When empl…
Inflation Pressures In The Market

And how it relates to Municipals As the Federal Government begins to announce projects such as the American Jobs Plan, investors have begun to pay increasing attention to inflationary pressures in the market. Unprecedented stimulus packages aimed at providing economic relief to the individuals, busi…
Board Measure: Does Your Board Measure Up?

Conversations of increasing diversity and inclusion often begin amongst lower-level workers, with those concerns being escalated to higher management. Generally, their supervisors will convene with internal human resource departments to decide whether or not they deem the issue pertinent enough to a…
A Unique Opportunity to Muni Issuers

The lowest trading volume in two decades has been leading investors to acquire more and more new local and state Muni issuances, even at low spreads. Executive Summary: If you are a municipal bond issuer, there is no better time to issue new bonds. The Muni bond market is red hot and ready to absorb…
Procurement and the Need for Racially Diverse Selection

It is common knowledge that the United States is currently more diverse than ever before. Just take a walk through any major city in the country – you will certainly see a mixture of all races, genders, ethnicities, and ages coexisting in peace. However, many businesses still neglect the idea that d…
Diversity and Inclusion and The Changing Corporate Landscape

Diversity and inclusion initiatives are evolving and becoming a critical element within many US corporations. It does not take much to see that organizations and employees are also embracing diversity now more than ever. Unfortunately, many companies have been left behind in this transformative peri…
US Pharma, Pfizer, and the first Vaccine

US pharma should be profiting tremendously from the newly discovered vaccine that will end the pandemic. While that appeared to make sense at first, a look at share prices shows the industry is not doing so well. Take, as an example, the firm who invented the first Covid-19 vaccine: Pfizer. It was a…
Unemployment III – Across Ethnic Groups

The COVID-19 pandemic impacted labor markets across the board but ended up damaging some industries more than others. While some ethnic groups are more prevalent in certain industries than others, the crisis led to a wider disparity in unemployment between Whites/Asians versus African Americans/Lati…
Unemployment II The Summer of Love and Job Creation

The Bureau of Labor Statistics announced 916 thousand jobs in March, confirming a bullish economic recovery. But this recovery has been uneven across sectors. Workers in construction, leisure and hospitality have been deeply affected by Covid-19, especially if compared to white collar professionals …
Online vs. Brick And Mortar Retail Recovery

Online sales grew substantially, while brick-and-mortar contracted slightly. Within online, Amazon continues to reign, but is losing space to other large retailers (such as Target, Walmart). Smaller shops moving online fared better than their peers stuck on the physical space alone. Across sectors, …